His conception has great revelatory significace for literary study today, for it contains a profound realistic critical spirit. 其中蕴含着深刻的现实批判精神,对于当代文论研究仍然不无启示意义。
Lu Yin is the first female writer to join literary study seminar. 庐隐是最早参加文学研究会的女作家。
The first section serves as a prelude to the research: the author goes through the difference of literary study of the Bible between China and the west, a comparison that sets the purpose of this paper. 绪言部分首先介绍了西方对圣经文学批评的重视,接下来回顾了国内这一课题的研究状况,进而确定了本文论题的意义和研究的着力点。
The foundation and the Premise of Mongolian literary study are Mongolian literary historical data. 蒙古文学研究的基础和前提是蒙古文学史料。
Liu loves to read works by the members of the Creation Society, but he detests those by the writers of the Society of Literary Study. 在阅读上他偏好创造社的作品,但不喜文学研究会的作品。
This essay analyzes his works from the view of ecological literary study in the reference of the overseas ecological criticism research for the first time. 本文则在借鉴国外生态批评成果的基础上,在国内首次全面地从生态文学研究的角度,把利奥波德当作一位生态文学家进行生态批评。
A postdeconstruction review of the ontology of literature and art is one of the primary issues of literary study, which concerns the basic construction of literary theory in China. 解构之后重审文艺学的本体论问题,是一个关乎中国文论建设的基础性工作,也是该学科研究的元命题。
But you will come across that if you do any literary study of the Bible in English literature and the European context and that sort of thing. 但如果你做关于,圣经的英文文学或者欧洲背景之类的研究的话,你会遇到这个内容。
To acquire, through practice and experiment, a method of Literary study and Expression. 通过实践与实验,获得文学研究与表达方法。
The affirmance of "Cultural Study", brings new opportunities and challenges to the Chinese Contemporary Literary Study. 文化研究理念的确认给新世纪的中国现当代文学研究带来了新的机遇和挑战。
The absolute worship of text provides literary study with legitimacy and transcendence and divinity, but meanwhile, this kind of study loses validity reality and humanity. 这种绝对化的文本崇拜,使文学研究具备合法性、超越性和神圣性的同时也丧失了有效性、现实性和人文性。
Global vision states that we should have the whole world in mind in literary study; 全球视野是指在文学研究中,我们要放眼全球;
Therefore, as regards modern literature research, one important task is to sort out the discourse system and to explore their dominant effect on modern literary study and the validity of narrative function. 因而,对现代文学研究而言,一个重要任务就是梳理现代文学研究的话语系统,检讨它们之于现代文学史研究与写作的支配作用和叙事功能的有效性程度。
Regional Literature: A New Perspective in Literary Study 区域文学&文学研究的新视野
The heart of literary study is writer or text. 但是,这两种语言观或理想最终都涉及到一个核心问题:文本的意义是来自作者还是文本、语言自身,文学研究的中心是作者还是文本。
Thedifference and argument on literary translation between the Group of Creation and the Group of Literary Study has greatly promoted the literary translation in early modern China. 《创造季刊》阐释的创造社翻译观与文学研究会翻译观的相异和相争,实际代表了和促进了早期中国现代翻译文学的自觉和进步。
Studying literature from the perspective of poetic language composes the weakest section of the present literary study. 在诗性的层面上研究文学的文学性。在当今文学研究中,对语言的诗性和从语言诗性的角度来研究文学,是最为薄弱的环节。
In literary study, he knows well the details and essence of ancient Chinese literature and his interpretation and analysis shows his sound poetic spirit. 在文学研究方面,他熟知中国古代文学的底蕴与精义,其阐释和分析,显示了绵长修远的诗学精神。
The first deals with several pairs of relations in terms of modernity, nationality, openness and the relationship between literary study and culture study. 一是文艺研究中的几对关系,分别从现代性和西方性、民族性和开放性以及文艺研究与文化研究等方面的关系进行论述。
From "Literary Study" to "Culture Study": A Worldwide Change of the Aesthetic Feature of Literature 从文学研究到文化研究:世界性文学审美特性之变革
The Current Situation and Wayout of Ancient Literary Study 古典文学研究的现状和出路
This conception provides for literary study a fresh new perspective and vision in terms of leisure. 休闲文学这一概念的提出,为文学的研究提供了一个休闲学的新视角和新空间。
The reason why the literary study of myth develops lies in the application of the method of anthropology research. 神话的文学之维之所以能够敞开的主要原因在于人类学研究方法的渗透。
New Historicism provides a new perspective to literary study. 新历史主义的理论为文学研究提供了新的角度,对文学文本的解读具有可运用性和可借鉴性。
Literary stylistics is a new discipline which combines linguistics with literary study. 文学文体学是介于文学与语言学之间的一门新的学科。
But this is a weak link in literary study, the study of the function of heart construction of literature narrative mainly present in the field of psychology, especially in narrative therapy. 然而对这一问题的研究,尤其是文学叙事心灵建构功能和过程仍然是学术界研究的薄弱环节,叙事功能的研究还主要集中于叙事心理学领域,尤其是叙事心理治疗理论。
It achieves the transformation of the center of literary study from the text to the reader and improves a systematic study on "writer text reader". 这一理论完成了文学研究的中心以文本到读者的转变,完善了对作者作品读者体系的研究。
The conclusion of the thesis summarizes the main significance of such a literary study of legal themes in literature. 结语是对法律主题的文学研究意义的总结与升华。
The dissertation mainly uses the methods of literary study combining with the journalism methods. 论文主要运用文艺学的研究方法,兼用新闻学的方法。
The problem that the researchers care is how to combine literary study with cultural study. 如何将文学研究与文化研究相结合,成了研究者们思考的问题。